Saturday, December 26, 2009

Oooohhh...The weather outside!!

There's a quote in Fight Club...If you woke up in a different time in a different place...would you wake up as a different person?

The Tyler Durden inside me shrugs indefinitely and tells me to put a cork in it...."Jesus man...Do ya gotta ask weird quasi-philosophical questions and screw my trip?"....Well funny story...My brain while usually in the state of immobility perks up at all the weirdest times and then 1 stupid question thought about in a state of absolute laziness turns into a "Find answer or go nuts" type situation...

Maybe in a truly sane world..Insanity would be considered a rare virtue...Something possessed only by souls who live in a higher consciousness....

Philosophy is like this pet that kinda improves your mood when you are totally down....But usually causes a mess at the strangest times making ya go "Bad Philosophy...Very Bad Philosophy"...

Now I've kinda been shuttling between 2 different places....One that's characterised by chills and smoke and another that's characterised by Heat and Dust (Merchant/Ivory,Take a bow :P )...And this Fight club funda kinda applies to me..Maybe it's the weather or maybe it's the fact that i live different lives in these 2 places which is why I feel like a different person now.

This whole feeling of Jet-lag doesn't apply to time only but involves the space part of the continuum too....Of course the thought of suffering from Jet Lag coz ya travelled just 300 miles is as stupid as a lot of ideas.

Right now though, I don't give a rat's ass about any such ideas....All I'd like to do is walk in to one of my regular haunts, listen to something that doesn't give me a headache and well...indulge in some meaningless conversation :D

And yeah,Merry Christmas(Belated) to whoever's reading this...Hope ya get whatever ya wish for :D

Friday, December 18, 2009


The title of my post is a reaction to all that's annoying about the world around us :D....Popularized by Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean to those who don't know this comic genius) It's an expression to which I've kinda developed an addiction lately.

Think of this bad dream that you saw today morning....Imagine it takes a human form and cultivates this habit of annoying ya throughout your day....I'd see it as the annoying dude who stands behind ya and goes "Hiya Pal" with an extremely nasal voice making you want to punch him in the face. The trouble with seeing a bad dream is that it just adds to the "Questions without Answers" part of your brain.

More annoying than bad dreams are the weird ones. You know the ones that involve break-dancing hippos and people who you'd least expect to see popping up in a cinematic representation of your sub-conscious. They are the kind of dreams that make ya walk around the whole day with your face shaped like a question mark and make you wish you had a copy of that book on dreams written by Freud.

Something as Phrrbbttt inducing as the examples cited above are Bad News. You know the kind. Especially news that are not as bad as they are embarrassing and annoying. And if ya gotta smile through the whole ordeal...Maybe that's why all those dudes end up snapping, goin apeshit and grabbing a gun and turning folks into artistic impressions of Swiss Cheese.

Fantasies are fun....Reality, Not so much....;)

Annoying superiors....The "I do not command respect coz I'm a world class schmuck...But i do demand it because I'm insecure as hell and need to reaffirm the fact that I am superior to some really unlucky fucks". Seen this class of people loads of times. Makes ya wanna stick your tongue out and go Phrrrbbbbtttt so vigorously that they blow off....But for some reason these are the kind of guys who end up on top and unfortunately for us, do not allow us to forget that fact.

Bad Movies...Especially if they've been hyped as the greatest movie since Sliced Bread....These are the kind of movie which the extremely hyper dude on one side of you will be laughing his ass off at because it is sooooooooooooo funny........NOT and some annoying screechy gal on the other side of you will be squealing in excitement because the hero is oh sooooooooooo cute and sweet!!!!!! These kind of movies usually star the flavor of the season who for some reason thinks that his/her presence is enough to make the movie a hit....Funnily it works at all the wrong times...

Server slowdowns on any social networking site.......Page looks like it's about to load.....Server Not Found!......Refresh Button pressed gently.....Page loads halfway and then gives up due to lack of motivation....Refresh Button pressed a little less gently....Page loads in the same amount of time I could've taken a tour of the Universe......In the meantime....Refresh Button pressed with the same feeling with which one punches the daylights of an enemy.....Page finally loads fully....Nobody's commented on my oh so freakingly cool status update......Or on my "Look at me I'm so hot" pics....Life Stinks!

Flight Delays.....Annoying voice on P.A System "This is to inform you with some regret(Yeah right!) that Flight Number $@#! to *insert destination here* has been delayed due to Technical Difficulties (Oh yeah,never heard that before)......Sit on extremely uncomfortable seat in the middle of the "Swanky yet Accessible" lounge......Try making eye contact with extremely attractive lady in front of you *crashes and burns*......Bah! Women!.....Walks around airport lounge till security starts giving ya weird looks....Makes calls to friends who are all not in the mood to talk....Bwah!!!! I'll go fly the damn plane myself....3-4 agonizing hours later....Annoying voice on P.A System "Boarding's been announced"....Say,that voice ain't too bad ehh.....Enters plane beaming hoping to be seated next to remotely attractive woman.....Ends up sitting next to extremely annoying middle aged corporate honcho who has a lot of gyaan to share...but not his cash :P.......Honcho flirts with gorgeous air-hostess...She responds.....Bah!!!

More to come soon....Maybe someday when I'm actually pissed off :P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is It Just Me....

...or is it not me :P


Not exactly trying to convey something here....More like something off the top of my head or possibly through the back of it :P

Ahh need a walk badly...Need a long walk to think about nothing at all...

Telangana...A new state comes up....So what i wonder??

Another status update comes up saying something or the other....Cool :)

Mobile buzzes with activity....Something interesting i guess...

Gaze shifting to pile of DVDs....Yes Minister or Rock On....Or maybe Crank 2:High Voltage....Spoilt for choices here..But not a clue about what to watch...

India lost yesterday....From Numero Uno to this...Weird people :P

Terrible Dinner last night...Hopefully tonight should make up for it....Money for nothing can piss people off...

1 week since CAT....Wonder what's the state of my exam :P

SNAP coming up....May do well...May not...Should see...

Right! Kaltofy now :P Update somethin' later maybe

Sunday, December 06, 2009

It's Like.......

It's like........

That's how i usually go when asked to describe something that's beyond description. Right now I alternate between the states of sleepy annoyance and sleepy cheer :P...Elvis belts out Blue Suede Shoes...I rock back and forth in my chair and wonder why the hell I like this song so much :D.......Just got back from a trip to Bangalore where I pretty much bet my future on the whims and fancies of a random computer.....The roulette wheel spins, but i don't see a number yet....Guess I'm still in the game for now.

The mind vacillates from one mood to another, one fantasy to another....But certain things stay the same.

Food!!!!.....One of my favorite topics of conversation. And truly one of the greatest pleasures of life ;)...To experience and to indulge in...

Movies!!!!......Again a favorite topic...Whether you are able to escape from reality and settle down in a different world,say The Shire from Lord Of The Rings or even the darkest recesses of someone's mind or a loving joint family in an ideal world...Movie watching has always been a true pleasure. Especially if the story's so good that it gets you involved.

Books!!!!!.... They say a picture speaks a thousand words.....But sometimes a thousand words can trigger off a million emotions...It can inspire...It can sadden...It can amuse...It can even educate...But make no mistake, Reading is one of the greatest cerebral pleasures one can ever enjoy without feeling any guilt :D

Writing!!!!... Now I agree I'm not a regular blogger. Just a regular guy who comes up here and writes irregular stuff. But I do agree with the title of my blog because I usually write about the here and now. Sure it's about me...But then,if i wanna read random opinions about something i don't care about resulting in either amusement or simple indifference, The World Wide Web's got enough shit out there to read till the world ends.

The advantage of being random is it makes conversations fun. At least for me it does. Where's the fun in rambling on and on about some topic no matter how inflammatory it is if ya ain't gettin' anywhere? Makes sense right? Yeah well what can we do? No matter how unpleasant our voice may sound to others, to us it is THE most intoxicating sound ever :D....

No idea behind this post. No plan to fit in with the greater scheme of things. Just some words pushed around here and there to form a small stream of coherence or incoherence...Depends on how ya see it ;)