Sunday, August 03, 2008


Lesson Of The Day: Cough Syrup CAN get you high

This is an example of a lesson i actually enjoyed learning ;) The sobriety of the past few weeks has been getting a little monotonous. Surprisingly, My health's been acting up at a time when it should absolutely not thus settling the argument that shit and bad luck always turn up at the wrong effin' time.

Funny thing about life is when you want to savour a good feeling, you never have the time to as something or the other just blitzes you away and keeps you occupied. But when you are trying to get rid of a bad feeling, Life suddenly slows down and makes you feel every nuance of that feeling till it passes which adding to the pain takes its own sweet time passing you by.

Lately, even though i'm known to occasionally lament my single status, I am also prone to thanking my stars for still keeping me single. The insanity that prevails among the couples around me makes me wonder whether i am actually prepared to sacrifice my sanity for some random gal. Also,for some reason, i'm not someone who can bear listening to a woman's tales of woe. I may be listening politely with an understanding look on my face, but my Inner Monologue will be asking the gal to cash in her reality check i.e deal with her issue and in the process get a life(Sounds scary,But that's me).

Can't think of any way to conclude this strangely random post,but who cares,My blog,My style ;)

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