Thursday, February 04, 2010

Of Resolutions and Revolutions!

Another year turns up with the "Enjoy it while it's around" sticker stuck on its forehead. This year however turns out to be doubly special in a statistical sense as it's not just the beginning of a new year...but a new decade too. Time keeps getting divided into smaller units, which are numerically significant but personally, you just couldn't care less :D

2010...2010...2010...Two thousand and Ten or Twenty Ten, However you say it, It just seems the same to me. Resolutions get made, get broken, get postponed, Usual shit. We wake up on the 1st day with a BAD hangover and promise ourself, Not to drink till we drop. But then you go about your routine, College stresses ya out, Work stresses ya out, Even doing absolutely nothing stresses ya out. Weekend comes about and you are buried in a glass of your favourite poison ;) Same routine with other resolutions...Lose weight, works for the 1st 2 weeks when ya survive on salads and whole wheat bread and stuff. Then comes along a whiff of Mutton Biryani or Butter Chicken or even the simplest of snacks,Pakodas(for the vegetarians)..Even chocolates for that matter. One look at that rich dark bar of pure sin and you are thinking "Tomorrow i'll walk half a mile more" and OKTATABYEBYE to that resolution too :P

Trouble is the human race is a race of extremists. We are an extreme people. It's either THIS or THAT. There's no MAYBE. You think about it, You just figure out that "Boss,no matter how smart folks were back in the past, Even Rome wasn't built in a day". Any big decision you make takes a little prep work and a shitload of patience to complete.

You notice any major revolution that took place. Whether the violent ones like say the French Revolution where loads of folks lost their heads(Literally and Figuratively) or the Italian Revolution (That led to a fashion disaster known as the Red Shirts adopted by debonair individuals like Mithunda, Jeetendra and the disco king Bappida) or even the non-violent ones like the Green Revolution(followed by Manoj Kumar who got less patriotic and more jingoistic with every movie he made) and the White Revolution(Doodh Doodh Doodh Doodh,Piyo Wonderful Doodh...I know,memorable and yet makes you fall off your chair laughing) took their own sweet time to truly become a revolution. They may have been conceived in a moment of madness...But were sustained in millions of moments of sensibility and patience.

If you think about it...even Love is a revolution in a way...Starts off with the intensity of a 1000 blazing suns(I know i know,don't judge me for using lame metaphors)..But when sustained, it develops into a mind-blasting, heart-stopping and life changing experience..One whose results stick around for a lifetime :D..

Every resolution when handled with the right balance of Passion and Patience leads to a revolution. It could lead you to exactly what you want and it could also end up blowing up in your face. But there is absolutely NO denying the fact that it changes you in such a way that there's no way back to what you used to be.

I've had my share of broken resolutions, I've been through a few revolutions and am in the midst of a couple right now. I have absolutely no idea as always about The Whats,The Whys,The Wheres,The Whens and The Hows....The consequences seem obvious to me and yet there is a possibility of a sudden twist in the plot. I don't have a clue about whether my life's a road, a whirlpool or even a bloody cup of coffee inside a microwave oven :P...Hell, Maybe the answers lie in a nice chilled mug of beer or a hot steaming cup of tea or a pile of garbage on the street. LOL! Maybe in my next post too :P